Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Responsible Choice Party

Our group created the Responsible Choice Party "mobilizing America towards financial responsibility." We attempted to create a party from the ashes of the Republicans. Our focus was on financial responsibility, as a result our platform advocated privatizing social security and setting up a prescription drug program for seniors. We also reversed the current Republican party's stance on the war, we felt that in order to keep taxes low it would be necessary for the U.S. to pull out of Iraq. We wanted to remain conscious of moral issues; however, we chose to avoid discussing abortion, keeping responses to any questions on the matter vague. We thought it would be best to pawn off the gay marriage debate on someone else so we decided that who can and cannot marry would remain a state issue. We also chose to avoid issues involving the environment because environmental reforms cost money. We decided to target two key demographics the elderly, and the wealthy. These two groups tend to vote in larger proportions than other demographic groups, so instead of mobilizing groups that don't vote we are just appealing to the interests of those that do vote. Our key target areas are Florida, Arizona, Texas and the South in general. Arnold Schwarzenegger will be a key member of our party allowing us to get California. James Sensenbrenner will be our national committee chair, and Jeb Bush will be our presidential candidate. Other key members will include Tom Kruse, (not that Tom Cruise), of Hoveround fame, Alan Greenspan, and Betty White, from the Golden Girls. Walmart will also be closely tied to the party. I do not feel that our party will be successful. Although we will gain voters by ending the war in Iraq we will lose a substantial voting block by ending social security. The elderly are one of our target groups and the prescription drug program was designed to attract their vote, however, by privatizing social security we will also drive many seniors away from the party. I would change our party by privatizing social security for people who have not recieved benefits yet and begin a limited prescription drug program for those who have access to social security. Hopefully, by transitioning more smoothly like this we would attract more voters. I would have also addressed environmental issues. The environment is increasingly becoming a hot topic in politics and by avoiding the issue the Responsible Party is setting itself up for accusations of dishonesty.