Sunday, September 23, 2007

Banning Florida

Today Florida will officially announce that they are not moving their Democratic primary in order to comply with DNC rules. DNC rules only allow Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina to hold their primaries before February, 5th. Florida is holding their primary on January, 29th. As a result Florida will lose all 210 delegates to the Democratic National Convention and the candidates have agreed to not campaign there. I think it is a poor move on the part of the Democratic party to snub Florida; a swing state that was the deciding factor in the 2000 Presidential election. The Florida primary date also violates RNC rules, however; the penalties involved are less harsh, and Republican candidates are still campaigning in the state. This could hurt the Democratic party when it comes time for the general election. With less exposure in the state Democratic candidates could risk losing independents and moderates. Could this be a strategic move on the part of the Republican controlled legislature that set the new primary date? Whether or not the new date was an intentional maneuver it is sure to alienate Democrats who had no say in the primary date but who are being punished by the DNC regardless.

1 comment:

Rick said...

This is the first i heard about them actually making up their mind. I actually find this a little funny because I think this moves campaigning to a whole new level. Anyways, I do think that the Republican legislature had something to do with this. Also, I think its a very poor decision for the Democratic party to snub Florida. This could prove to be a big mistake in November of '08.